Articles of Saurabh Pandey "Sarthak"

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© Saurabh Pandey "Sarthak "

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Anti Islamic Movie rage -Prophet paean for public pall?

Rare you demur over a TV commercial or caricature spoofing and mocking of the Godhead or the imitation of Hindu rituals in movies or tele-episodes.
It has almost become a necessary script part of directors of entertainment industry; be it laughter show, family episodes or Bollywood movies or it be a reality show, everywhere to give audience a smile no effort is left to jeer at Hindu custom and tradition or our deities.
Cri de Coeur of the movie "Innocence of Muslims” which was the cause célèbre throughout this month over the world among Muslim communities, was alleged of defaming prophet Mohammad and blazoned all over in the media.
The fanatical de profundis Muslims over the world including India also avidly registered their anger and blared for the said Islamic blasphemy of US based film director and destroyed US embassies/missionaries situated in their native countries and murdered US envoy/officials because of their anyhow belongings to the USA.
Moreover Mullahs of J&K threatened US citizens to leave state and vandalized US embassy in our country also for the alleged atheism in Islam
Much agreed with the article of a Muslim scholar in the Times of India a week ago this month about the nefarious outrage of Islamic community of their superstition where he questioned to the community of their blithely anger show-off giving reference of Holy Quran.
Recently released Bolly-wood movie Oh My God-OMG tries to depict the effort of the exploitation and delusion by the so called God fearing fanatical elements in the name of godhead.
Was this a way of antagonism or the demonstration of power and threatening the world with their presence in globe?
Why only Islamic communities over the world come at front frequently to show-off aggregation and roar against the other community of the world?
Prejudiced with their adherent religious fantasy which is far-fetched, the world Islamic community needs to be pragmatic and learn from the other communities of the world to cope with their talibanism.
Despite the tiresome effort of Indian government and political parties continuous appeasement ,Indian Muslim never seem to have faith in the Indian sovereignty and entirety  and allow to doubt on their nationalism when they blindly follow the path of disturbed muslim countries and very often support vehemently  and violently their cause in our own country.

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