I can recall the day of TV interview of Ms Sheila Dixit and Mr Vijay Kumar Malhotra taken by Mr. Prabhu Chawla (AAj Tak ) during last assembly election of Delhi .where in response to the question put up by Prabhu Chawla in regards to the development of delhi ,“if BJP comes in the rule, how would be the successful completion of the common wealth game (CWG)”;Ms Sheila Dixit profoundly replied, “They(BJP) are incapable of sponsoring and managing the CWG” .her connotation was arrogant despite the known truth that CWG sponsorship was brought to india in the chairmanship of Mr V K Malhotra .
Now, conversion of CWG to Common Wealth Garbage has revealed the worth of the words of Ms Sheila Dixit .expensed amount till date in the preparation of CWG is around 1000 Lac Crore ;a sum with which Olympic can be organized .meanwhile the work is so incomplete that we are going to be part of sarcasm over the world with the loot and multiple scams coming out from the revelation by CAG ,before the supposed game start .
It means other than the over burdened expense of incomplete preparation of CWG, now again the public coffer will doll out to the pocket of investigating agencies to probe the scams which will last upto indefinite period as per our Indian legal proceedings and most probably after the cessation of the life of the offenders .after all nothing action will be taken against such bureaucrats for the alleged scam as brought out by the CAG in the light because they are the key persons to array for successful elections time to time and due to which government is paying the cost of their loyalty in the form of multiple scams .
The basic question is what government wants to show to the country and world ;if crores of people are living below the poverty level ,lacking of colleges for medical ,technical & management degrees with cheaper fees ,shortage of infrastructure facilities, continuous rise in prices of essential goods, threatened internal security whether it be from Maoist, bodo, ulfa or from the separatist of Jammu & Kashmir being financed through ISI ;was it necessary to show the sarcastic image of the country ?
By posing burden on the common man and leaving crores of people hungry every day, government is in preparation to welcome foreigners to fulfill their basic requirements as to contraceptives ,liquor & prostitutes .however afterall they will describe India as -except some part of the metro cities ,india is a country of poor & beggar people where elected members of parliament swallow public money in the name of Economic and Infrastructure Development .
No doubt common wealth game has become a game of Common Wealth .